Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nicole Wulff, Personal Narrative

Hello! Welcome to BEECN! We decided to create this communication network so that we all have a common space where we can share information about environmental education activities, programs, etc. going on at the different institutions and organizations in Belize.

We thought this would be a good idea because for example, we’re holding an Earth Day event on campus (see below). Now, we could send out a heap of emails to let all the organizations know but it’s much easier just to post an entry on this blog one time therefore, making communication faster and easier.

There are a lot of wonderful environmental education activities and programs happening around the country but sometimes, in our experience, we don’t find out until after the event has passed! Also, sometimes if we are working in isolation from each other there can be efforts duplicated. For example, if 2 organizations are working independently to design lesson plans that align with the primary school curriculum. If the 2 groups worked together, they could each accomplish more by sharing resources.

Hopefully, this blog could help us stay in touch with each other but in order to be effective, people have to participate otherwise it’s of no use. So, we’re asking you, the major players in environmental education in Belize, to please contribute and make it a success!

-Nicole Wulff, Lecturer, Natural Resource Management, University of Belize Belmopan

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Launching of the BEECN

We would like to cordially invite any organization involved in Environmental Education in Belize to join the Belize Environmental Education Communication Network.

Our Mission;
The Belize Environmental Education Communication Network (BEECN) has been created as an online public forum for groups or agencies involved in environmental education. BEECN would allow for effective communication between different organizations, making it easier to coordinate services, events and activities as well as a place to showcase accomplishments. BEECN is free of charge.

BEECN is an initiative of the Environmental Education Outreach project at the University of Belize Belmopan Campus, Natural Resources Management Program.

If you have any interest in having your organization part of this free system please contact Harry Stevens at

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Earth Day Celebration

The University of Belize Belmopan Campus will be holding the first Annual Earth Day Fair on April 18th. UB would like to extend an open invitation to anyone or any group interested in attending the event.